Regarding our current rules.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ky, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. LyricQuartz

    LyricQuartz New Member

    Jul 31, 2018
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    Another idea for a rule to either be added or maybe clarified, the rule on "No offensive topics". I know a lot of people here come to play on the server to get away from real life problems. Maybe forbidding topics like bullying, suicide, depression, abuse, those kinds of things, along the lines with how rape is forbidden. Maybe being more clear that those things shouldn't be discussed on a Minecraft farming server?
  2. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I feel like the no controversial topics rule already kinda covers that, and the staff members should be able to interpret that rule in whatever way makes sense for each particular situation. Maybe the examples you suggested could be added to the description of the rule, though.
  3. Wither_Cadejo

    Wither_Cadejo New Member

    Jul 3, 2018
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    I think that the advert rule is too strict... In any real life situation speaking about things wouldn't be adverts... Ads tell you to use/get/watch/ect something. Conversations about any noticable online presence shouldn't be banned, because many players on PF are into online communities such as youtube, and as such form interests on topics within. How many people choose to speak about topics that don't interest them?
    I'd also like to debate the earlier reply suggesting banning paying others for donor items. Unless a good alternative way to get ranks without money irl is made, allowing this gives those who can't afford to spend on a rank on minecraft or would simply prefer not to an opportunity to get ranks. The server does not suffer from this, as the money still goes to the server.
    Change the "No Blacklisted Modifications" rule to "No Non-Whitelisted Modifications". If you are making a list of what you CAN use, it would be a whitelist. It would also clear up some confusion when no blacklist was available to check, only a whitelist.
    More defined rules on flood and caps... I've seen people get scolded for as little as three letters drug out for flood, but when I ask any higher-up staff, I've gotten "more than 5-6" as the numbers. I've also seen one short word (like, three letters) scolded as caps. I've also, on the other hand, seen three words in full caps go unscolded with staff online. Defining it better would help out with the bipolar enforcing.
    As a last comment, on the topic of enforcing, I've seen multiple people evading the innappropriate rule in ways where the meaning is very clear, and they will be fine. The most clear of these is many people saying "kink" or related words containing that, and not talking about a watering hose or something. I've seen staff say that an innopropriate joke is still innopropriate, but this joke seems to be an exception for some reason.

    Thanks for reading and considering -Jaq
    Chickencharm and KylesTeddyBeer like this.
  4. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    • I have no opinion on the advertising rule
    • I think allowing people to pay others for donor items would be fine until someone doesn't follow through with buying the donor item. Then staff have to somehow moderate people's trading agreements to make sure people follow through, and that is probably more work than there are staff to do. People might also negotiate these things on other platforms, making it impossible for staff to moderate it.
    • I feel like there shouldn't just be a whitelist of allowed mods, but maybe just general categories that are allowed since there are so many out there. Maybe just say only shaders and optimization mods are allowed or something like that.
    • I've honestly never understood why people go so crazy when someone leaves their caps lock on or something - I personally think that "flood" should mean the chat is flooded so you cant have a conversation through it, and if caps are being used to be rude to someone, that should come under the respect for other players rule.
    • I agree that the rules should be a little more aggressive on inappropriate jokes, since many of them do just get ignored like you said.
  5. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    We'll look into defining the rule so its more clear.
    As it stands you're NOT allowed to speak about those things anyways; however, " depression " and " bullying " is allowed as it isn't harmful to others depending on the situation itself, if it leads further to suicidal talk etc we usually mute for rule " Controversial topics " however we're looking into changing it so none of it is allowed due to many complaints about those topics. Thank you for your suggestion :rolleyes::)

    Most of it is; however, as mentioned in my previous reply we'll be defining the rule as-well as making it more descriptive.

    Could you refine the first suggestion, not very understanding; however, if you're talking about discussion of Youtube names etc in public chat this won't be allowed due to many situations regarding advertisement, this will get cleared up either way when the rules are updated.

    Players are currently allowed to give in-game money for purchasable ranks/ commands or anything on our buy craft store, this won't be updated unless the discussion with the Administration team decides to change it; however, the chances of it being changed are low as its been discussed twice and both times we've allowed it to happen.

    Modification list will be happening soon with the rules update and small details in the rules like the name changing will be updated upon the request, thank you.

    As it stands the chat disturbance rule allows 1 word fully capped and 5 letters( usually if it looks like spam ) as character spam, if staff are online and you've not noticed them being issued a warning, most probably it isn't being shown in chat and most likely a system warning. if you see players being warned for 3 characters please inform an Administrator as this shouldn't be happening.

    Please provide evidence with the inappropriate talk, players are NOT allowed to do this and staff should be issuing punishments for this.
    #25 Ky, Aug 9, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2018
    Chickencharm and KylesTeddyBeer like this.
  6. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    The " Controversial Topic " rule will be updated, here are some changes likely to be made:
    • illnesses, disorders or similar things WONT be allowed in /nick or allowed to be talked about in public chat.
    • defined descriptive, making it more informative so situations regarding things mentioned above and other things suggested are acknowledged.
    • Looked over conversations by staff so punishments aren't issued so easily in small talk situations i.e " I'm depressed " etc are allowed; however, nick or anything further won't be taken so lightly ( same for other situations regarding the rule )
    Chickencharm and KylesTeddyBeer like this.
  7. Katie

    Katie New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Anything said outside about the Peaceful Farms server that COMES BACK to the server should be punishable.

    For example: Someone said something mean about a player in a PM on discord, it gets back to the staff team somehow, It has nothing to do with the server so it is disregarded.

    example: Someone is trash talking the server in a private message, the player reports it to the owner or manager and they will deal with it according to how severe it is.

    The outcome of this rule is a lot less drama on the server

    1st offense: 1 day ban
    2nd offense: 3 day ban
    3rd offense: 7 day ban
    Each offense after 3rd doubles.
    KylesTeddyBeer likes this.
  8. KylesTeddyBeer

    KylesTeddyBeer New Member

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Threats towards the server should go:
    1st: 30d ban
    2nd: perm ban
  9. JohnJohnCinnabon

    Jul 25, 2018
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    Profuse begging for items, services, money, etc should be added under the chat disruption rules, it's annoying when people just ask for money every couple minutes, or ask over and over again. (It should be clear that profuse begging is punishable, not just asking for things)