Most players who fight the dragon would like to pick who is and isn't allowed to help them as although other players cannot steal the loot, they can still steal the kill which is need for rankup to P4 and people spawning dragons usually like to have the kill added to their /pfstats. It would be nice if there was a way to prevent unwanted people from joining but as that is likely hard to implement, I would suggest removing the global announcement of dragon spawn to lower the chances of someone coming to steal dragon kills either intentionally or accidentally.
I think that if players steal the kill they get the loot as well as only the players who does the final damage gets the kill and loot no? But otherwise great idea!
maybe have a thing for whenever the dragon egg is placed, that only the people currently in the warp are put into the fight/are the only people who can fight the dragon
The person who places the egg is the one that gets the loot. I think its the same with the kill but not sure.
You sure? I recall doing drags with pharaoh and it wasn't always the one who spawned the drag who got rewards but maybe I'm wrong;
As long as the person who is doing it doesn't disconnect then they should get the rewards. it might also count if they die.