Open Remove Reaction Boxes

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Chickencharm, Jun 20, 2020.

  1. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I love playing the reaction game in chat, but every time I win, I get a stupid reaction box. It takes up an inventory slot when I'm trying to do something, and then when I open it I feel bad about throwing the useless reward in lava. Can we just get rid of the annoying reaction boxes, and replace it with some sort of scoring system? It could be like MCMMO's /mctop and /mcrank, except for reaction times and number of won reactions. I play the reaction game for the competition, not for the prizes, and I think that might be the case for other people, too.
  2. DangerousDylan

    DangerousDylan New Member

    Aug 10, 2020
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    I think this is a good idea, every time I get a reaction box, I open it and just throw the reward on the ground, or if its a spawn egg, I just spawn it and walk away.
    Chickencharm likes this.
  3. ItsYvy

    ItsYvy Member

    Jul 24, 2020
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    I think that instead of getting rid of the reaction boxes, why not put something in them worth caring about? Not to say that it has to be absolutely valuable. Things such things you can find in the vote crate, and downgraded versions of valuable items such as for example a 5% mult for 5 minutes, or mcmmo boosters, things that would give some incentive to get and open the boxes, while also not making them overpowered.