Server Falling Apart

Discussion in 'General' started by Chickencharm, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    In the past few months, especially in the past few weeks, I think Peaceful Farms has started to fall apart. First, a couple commands were removed from the ultimate package. They were not essential commands, but it was still annoying. Then, MCMMO stopped working and was never fixed. I understand that this might've been the fault of the developers of MCMMO, but I still think something should've been done about it, since the server is kinda designed around it. Now we've reset for no technical reason. I understand that some people thought it would add a new challenge to the game, but it annoys me that I put in lots of work building a farm and building up herbalism and nothing was wrong with the server but it was just deleted anyway. Also /nick was taken away and donor stuff was changed. I really liked the colored nicknames because they made the chat less boring and easier. I'm also not too pleased about the donor stuff being changed, since the high level enchantments have been taken away, and it looks like /speed is no longer there, both of which were really useful. Another thing that I don't like is the new /auto command. I think it will turn people farther away from manual farming than they already are. I'm not going to quit the server yet, but I'd like to see it improve. This is a short summary of what I would like to see changed:
    • Make sure MCMMO doesn't break again
    • Don't reset the server again if it's not broken
    • Put back /nick
    • Put back /speed
    • Put back higher level enchantments on donor items
    • Put back /recipe
    • Put back /disco
    • Take out /auto
    I understand that some people might not view these changes as falling apart, but if at least some of my suggestions were added, it would improve my experience significantly. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
    Lordpickleboy and KixShy like this.
  2. Lordpickleboy

    Lordpickleboy New Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I am mad that i havnt yet found a world download unless im missing something
  3. JeeD

    JeeD New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    you know the world is like 100gb right? it was also glitched as half of it was on the map we currently have, luckily its been fixed.
  4. Bioheat1969

    Bioheat1969 Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    It's a very big download, please be patient, it will be forthcoming soon.
  5. jacob

    jacob Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    With the change in ownership, my main priority is to be close to the community. I've done everything I could to make it possible for problems and suggestions to be seen and responded to from the community to the staff. I am on the server for hours every day talking with players, and I always respond to Discord instantly when I'm awake. This post has me at a loss for words.

    Apparently doing everything that I can isn't enough. Am I supposed to read minds? Instead of getting in touch with me by Discord or a suggestion post, you simply make a post stating all your problems and saying that the server is falling apart. It's not, and if it was, it would because issues were not brought to my attention. I have been making an effort to fix all problems and implement suggestions in a timely matter, and I have been able to do so for the most part. You say that things "should have been fixed," but how can they be fixed when they are not brought to the my or other staff members' attention? My main goal is to improve your experience, but to do this, you need to cooperate with me.

    This was never brought to my attention, and it is out of our control. We can do everything possible to fix it, but at the end of the day, we can't force a plugin to work.
    There was a poll open to everyone. The majority voted for a reset. I'm sorry you disagree, but more wanted a reset than didn't.
    If you go to the shop, you will see that I've made a note of it still being in progress, and I mentioned how new things are being added. If you were to make the effort to ask me or a staff member, you would know that /nick is coming back this week.
    This causes lag problems, but we are looking into it.
    There are high level enchantments in the donor crate, and donor kits with high level enchantments are in progress.
    This command is broken. There's nothing we can do about it.
    This plugin was last updated in 2014. It's outdated. There's nothing we can do.
    Why? It's not even in the game yet. It will help the server with lag and it's very convenient.
    The file is 100gb. I'm working as fast as I can, but I need to make dozens of separate uploads for everything to work. It's coming.

    All you have to do is post your problems and questions, and me or another staff member will respond. Don't simply claim the server is falling apart when you haven't contributed to helping make it better.
    ZachTGD, Hailey, Jar and 3 others like this.
  6. Cappe987

    Cappe987 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Jacob defended every of your reasons with a good argument. In my opinion, nothing of the things you mentioned above are things that are breaking the server. In fact, the server is as lively as it's ever been right now. You just seem to be upset over the new changes. But please realize that sometimes things need to change, for the better. And with the server having a new owner it is bound to have changes, otherwise it would be boring for him. I think that everything from the donor ranks to crates to kits are much more balanced and fair to the players. Nothing is overpowered like before when everyone had X enchant tools.
    ZachTGD, Hailey, Jar and 1 other person like this.
  7. NathanHalo11

    NathanHalo11 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    Personally I’m in favor of the new changes /speed did cause lag and it seemed like after a year of keeping the same map it got quite boring.
    ZachTGD likes this.
  8. Aiyyaa

    Aiyyaa New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    press ctrl while walking or flying, it goes pretty fast
  9. logenhankins

    logenhankins New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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  10. jacob

    jacob Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    The kits have been redone and are almost as good -- the axe and shovel now have efficiency VIII. This is so players can have very efficient tools but still leaves room for better gear in future competitions and treasure chests.
    Hailey likes this.
  11. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Very well said, I'll be focusing on making the normal ranked kits better and suit the actual ranks at the ranks in-game price, If you have any suggestions ( anybody ) feel free to reply to this forum or gimme a message on discord.
  12. Chickencharm

    Chickencharm Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Thank you for your response. I was not aware of some of the things you mentioned. Consider the following a suggestion list then:
    Maybe you could limit how fast people could go using /speed?

    Yes but its either sprinting or walking, whereas with /speed you can play around with different speeds until you find the one that fits the way you farm the best.

    I feel like plugins like that take away from the manual farming aspect of the game. Collecting the items is another step in the process of minecraft farming, and I feel like it would be less fun if it was taken out. In combination with full replant, all you would have to do is go around a small farm holding left click and you would just rack up money.
    #12 Chickencharm, Jan 9, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
  13. Bioheat1969

    Bioheat1969 Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    But like most plug-ins you don't have to run them, if you personally like the manual aspect of the game, turn that feature off, I've played somewhere before that has it, and I personally really like it.
    Ky likes this.
  14. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    We're already working on this, i hate /speed as its intentional server lag that i myself see everybody complain about, i see it as the majority of people would want it gone then to increase the chances of suffering from the server lag. Be patient with us.

    This feature is by default enabled however yes as @Bioheat1969 has said, you can disable this feature. I wouldn't see how it would ruin your manual farming experience exactly? Could you define that more please. You're still collecting the items but it just wont be dropped on the ground.
  15. NathanHalo11

    NathanHalo11 New Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I don’t consider it auto farming unless you don’t have to run it still sounds like manual to me even with all the stuff you described
  16. Akago

    Akago New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    To be bluntly honest, it was very rude to accuse that the server was 'falling apart' because changes happened that you don't like. The staff and 2020 have all been great and very attentive to any problems, and the server is more active than ever.
    Ky, NathanHalo11 and Bioheat1969 like this.