Spawn Elf Hunt

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Vaidurya, Dec 10, 2021.

  1. Vaidurya

    Vaidurya New Member

    May 26, 2020
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    I'm too lazy to grab the coords from each screenshot, but I'm not too lazy to take the screenshots and toss 'em in a .7z. Here ya go. Hope this helps some of y'all.
  2. Obelisk

    Obelisk New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    Thank you for doing the leg work, here are the coords pulled from the screenshots.

    Number X Y Z Facing
    1 -788 14 419 East
    2 -717 20 356 West
    3 -739 12 392 East
    4 -750 15 392 East
    5 -762 10 376 North
    6 -805 5 367 South
    7 -766 28 370 North
    8 -758 14 445 South
    9 -749 18 454 West
    10 -751 19 420 North
    11 -768 8 411 North
    12 -811 33 394 East
    13 -817 29 376 North
    14 -790 23 368 West
    15 -826 10 399 West
    16 -729 21 369 East
    17 -815 18 436 West
    18 -789 11 435 North
    19 -815 12 446 North
    20 -767 13 453 North
    21 -780 12 447 North
    22 -794 44 366 West
    23 -786 10 428 West
    24 -817 10 380 West
    25 -799 21 409 East
    26 -743 14 358 West
    27 -809 12 382 East
    28 -777 11 391 West
    29 -795 12 377 North
    30 -783 25 355 South