Tips on Staff Applications for Trainee

Discussion in 'Application discussion, support and help.' started by Ryandalion28, Mar 9, 2018.


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  1. Ryandalion28

    Ryandalion28 New Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Hello Everyone, Some of you may know or may not know me, but my name is Ryan. I've been playing around this server for about 4 years now. I've seen this server grow and still continue to grow to reach its maximum potential. The reason why I decided to discuss and share my advice on becoming Staff because I have seen my fair share of Staff on this server and this advice is intended for both players and staff members. It is your choice whether you decide to take my advice seriously and I hope this will help you!


    Lets start with the basic characteristics (personality) of what I see as a Quality Staff Member:
    1. Honesty = This is one of the biggest characteristic and I know you've seen this phrase everywhere, "Honesty is the best policy", but this is true. Always try to be truthful as possible.
    2. Fairness in punishment = Although, here in PF, we have a friendly community of players, but there are some players that do tend to break the rules in some way. Such as spam, afk, and others. This may contradict from the /rules, but sometimes, people make mistakes. I'm not saying they shouldn't be punished, but punish them in a way that is fair.
    3. Professionalism (When necessary, Be yourself) = Being Staff gives you a huge responsibility, but that doesn't mean you need to change yourself. You don't always have to be professional, I could be wrong, but only use it when you need to. I'm not saying that you can act whatever you want, but be respectful, and just because you become "Staff", doesn't mean you have to act completely differently either.
    4. Interacting with players = You need to be able to interact with the community and get yourself well-known. This help you hone your communication skills and people get to know who you are as a person.
    5. Initiative = Be the one to take an action first. If you want to become a successful Staff member, you must have Initiative. This not only helps you in Staff, but also in real-life. Being able to face the issue and tackle it to your best of ability is better than waiting for instructions and not doing anything at all.

    Answering Questions

    Keep in mind, when writing an application on PF. Answer truthfully and to your best of ability. The Application is to find out your experience with Staff and what you can do on the server. Don't just give simple answers, for an example when one of the questions is: "Do you have any past experience moderating Minecraft servers?" Yes, I have been Admin blah blah. You can say that If you'd like, but be more detailed in your responses. The Administration Team wants to see what you are capable of.

    The other question that will ask when applying for Staff is "What makes you qualified for a staff position on PF?". What this question is really asking is what makes you unique that would fit well in the staff team. They don't always just want the same "responsible and nice" guy/girl. I mean it is good, not saying its bad, but what do you think this server needs that you have which makes you the best person for the job.

    Lastly, for the question with the Final Information. I highly recommend you include some background information about yourself. This application is not only about whether you can do the job or not, but it also wants to know what kind of person you are. Tell them what makes you different than the rest.


    P.S. I just wanted to say before I end this, but all of this information is based on my personal opinion. If you didn't agree to what I said then that is definitely understandable. I hope this information helps people when writing their application. I wish you the best and Good Luck!

    (Just wanted to add on Ranks for Staff. For those of you applying for Staff, Just to have a rank or just to be able to get more permissions. I know this is just Minecraft, but being Staff is not all about reputation, permissions, or just having a rank beside your name. The responsibility of Staff must be taken seriously and must make the server into a more lively, fun community for players to join and feel safe.)

    Thank you so much for taking your time to read and If you see me online, say Hi! ;)

    vanNocturios, Emi, ImmaDug and 3 others like this.
  2. atPuddle

    atPuddle Member

    Feb 10, 2018
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    Good job, this should help all the people who want to apply for Trainee understand the concept of applying.:cool:
  3. Karunaguin

    Karunaguin New Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    What does mod rank do?
  4. atPuddle

    atPuddle Member

    Feb 10, 2018
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    Gives you all the permissions a moderator needs. Like warn, kick, mute, ban, to, etc.
  5. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Jun 19, 2021
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    What does trainee give you?
  6. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Trainee is not a perk. It is a select group of people willing to help enforce the rule in which way they can. You shouldn't care what Trainee is to give you.
    Brick_81 and Obelisk like this.
  7. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Jun 19, 2021
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    indeed, i mean its cool that u maybe get some commands other people don't have but all that matters is helping people :)
  8. grayson_

    grayson_ Member

    Sep 15, 2020
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    Staff permissions and commands aren't typically discussed, unless Ky himself (or Kiri) decides to tell you what they have access to, you won't find out. Staff permissions are "classified", in a sense.
  9. Ky

    Ky Owner
    Owner Ticket Management

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Commands are given based on your responsibility. Example: If you're in charge of chat offences, your role will give you commands to deal with them.
    Emi likes this.
  10. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Jun 19, 2021
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    oww k i understand, ty for ur reply :D
    Ky likes this.