So, we all know /mcquests is a fun extra way to make money for the players dedicated enough in a certain skill. However, I feel like there should be rewards for each skill and not just Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism and Mining as right now. Furthermore, we can see that the rewards go up to 50.000 in Excavation Herbalism and Mining but not Fishing which is, in my opinion, a more important skill than mining and excavation has it represents a core feature of the server. My point is: I think we should keep Herbalism at a very high goal like 50.000 as it's the main point of the server, but maybe reduce mining and excavation to like 5.000 and get fishing to 10.000, so it reflects the importance of each skill. Another idea I had would be to get a boost of skill experience when you reach certain milestones: an example could be a 1.1x exp boost for herbalism when you reach level 1000 or so. With powerlevel, it would boost every skill but be 4 times less efficient per milestone so by example level 1000 would get you a 1.025x boost on all skills. I think it would be an interesting way to balance the use of credits and make grinding McMMO skills a bit more intersting and diverse.
I like this idea. I also think that the rewards for the quests should be changed from money to something else as the amount of money given isn't enough to motivate most of the players that are close to hitting the upper goals. I would suggest changing the rewards to points and adding something like a tag for hitting the top level.
Some kind of recognition for getting x level would be amazing like hebralism 5000 could have a farmer tag and such but it could also be ruined by credits :/
Maybe the tags could be awarded based on some stat rather than mcmmo level. Like at 10 million crops broken you get the farmer tag. All the skills have some stat that could be used to determine if someone should get the tag: Excavation - excavation blocks broken Fishing - total fish caught Herbalism - crops broken Mining - mining blocks broken Woodcutting - logs broken combat skills - mob kills or damage dealt Taming - total mobs tamed Acrobatics - fall damage avoided Alchemy - potions brewed Repair - tools repaired
That's an amazing idea yes! I'd say 1.5m crops 50k fishes 50k blocks (ores/stones) 20k logs 2.5k kills 500 tamed 1k damage avoided 500 potions 500 repairs What do u think?
It's hard to come up with specific numbers without seeing the current statistics but it seems you're going for more obtainable tags than I was thinking lol. I was thinking 10 million for crop breaks and probably like 100k for fish to make the tags more rare but I think your idea is probably better because most of the players don't play as much as I do and should have a chance to get the tags
I like the ideas but some of the numbers would definitely need to be changed as its a lot easier to break 50k blocks than it is to catch 50k fish.